Your Trusted Partner in Chemical Spill Containment & Environmental Safety

At Insul Foam Services, we understand the critical importance of chemical spill containment and safety precautions. Our commitment is to prevent the leakage of hazardous materials and protect the environment by swiftly stopping spills from spreading. We provide top-notch solutions that prioritize environmental safety, and one of our standout offerings is polyurethane elastomeric linings.

Polyurethane elastomeric linings are the cornerstone of our spill containment services, offering unmatched performance in immersion service environments. What sets them apart is their versatility compared to conventional sheet systems. These linings are composed of 100% solids, making them incredibly durable and dependable. Here are some key features that make them a superior choice:

Recommended Applications

  • Leak-proof membranes for chemical storage and/or for underground dump sites to prevent leakage or spills of liquid waste or toxic products
  • Corrosion proof protection for steel storage tanks, underground pipes, silos, ducts, boats and bridges
  • Waterproofing and protecting walls, ceilings and roofs
  • Impervious membrane for tunnels, dykes, ponds, concrete basins, septic tanks and reservoirs
  • Anti-abrasion protective membranes for mining equipment, crushers, truck beds, sand and salt spreaders and heavy machinery
  • Sealant for cracks in metal, pavement or concrete
  • Protective encapsulations for polyurethane and polystyrene foams

Whether you’re in need of chemical spill containment, insulation, or any related service, Insul Foam Services has you covered. For more information on how we can enhance the safety and efficiency of your project, please reach out to us at 403-993-4997. We look forward to partnering with you and helping you achieve your containment and safety goals. Your peace of mind is our priority.